HTLC Ministries

Welcome to our community! No matter where you are on your journey, we want you to feel at home here. Explore our diverse ministries and find a place that resonates with you. If something catches your interest, feel free to visit us at the church, and we'll you get connected!
Small Groups Studies & Sunday School

We offer a variety of small groups and Sunday School classes that offer opportunities for study and fellowship. These groups on different schedules throughout the week, making it easy to get connected.
Family Ministry

Holy Trinity offers a variety of study, fellowship, and service opportunities for infants through twelfth grade. We offer preschool, elementary, middle/high school Sunday school each week. We also have an active youth group that meets on Sunday evenings from 4:30-7pm. Our youth nights generally consist of teaching followed by fellowship, service, and great food. Our Youth Nights always end with worship.
Young Adults Ministry

Our HT young (and youngish) adults offer fellowship and learning opportunities for people in their 20s and 30s. The group consists of all walks of life so you will feel welcome whether you have kids, are single, or are just starting your adult life.
Women's Ministry

Our intergenerational women's ministry is an active group of sisters in Christ who meet regularly for inspiring bible studies, fellowship events, and service projects. Whether looking for a fun girls night out, a chance to study the Word, or stretch your craft skills there is sure to be something for you to enjoy!
Men's Ministry

The men's ministry is in a season of renewal. We are looking forward to jumpstarting some new fellowship, studies, and service opportunities. Stay tuned for more.
Outreach Ministry

Looking for a way to roll up your sleeves and get connected with the community? We have a variety of outreach opportunities that utilizes a vareity of skill sets. Whether you are the hands on type, or prefer to work in the background we have service opportunities for you. A few outreach highlights include: a thriving partnership with Displaces Roses; serving the unhoused communities, the BackPack weekend Program (founded at Holy Trinity); provides food for families experiencing food insecurity. While these two are our hallmark opportunities we have many other offerings. Please reach out to get connected and start serving today!