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HTLC Ministries

No matter what path of life you are on, we want you to feel welcome!

We have a variety of ministries that we would love for you to be a part of!


Our ministry page is still being worked on as our group leaders gather information to post on our new website. For now, each ministry has a brief summary for you to read through.


If something interests you, please stop by the church and we'll make sure you get connected!



Life Groups and Sunday School

Christ-followers are meant to do life together.  In Life Groups, we gather in small groups for the purpose of growing in faith in Jesus Christ.  We currently have many Life Groups to select from, with spiritual growth being our primary goal.


How about Sunday mornings? We want to help you find a place where you are comfortable, encouraged, and strengthened in your faith journey. Sunday mornings is a great time to start! After “Connection Time” (coffee and refreshments) immediately following the 8:30 service, adult classes & groups begin at 9:45 a.m. All are welcome at any time.


We are dedicated to teaching the next generation to know, love and share Christ. We have Sunday School classes for all ages, youth groups, confirmation classes, vacation bible school and more. Discover everything Holy Trinity has to offer our young believers! 

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We have a very active Young Adult group.  The group meets on a regular basis for fellowship, study and fun (including softball, trivia, evenings out).  We would love to have you join us!


Holy Trinity Women are part of a wider women’s ministry through our local NALC district.  At Holy Trinity our women’s ministry includes women’s circles, Bible studies, retreats, service projects and more.  All women of Holy Trinity are invited to participate. 



Do you like camping, basketball pickup games, movies, or just fellowshipping with with good food and friends? Then participate in our next Men's Ministry activity! They're always a great time!


Holy Trinity shares God's love in a variety of ways by serving the community in the name of Christ. As a church, we donate over $100,000 and participate in over 20 ministries, both local and around the world.

Discover many of the "hands-on" ministries and find which one speaks to you! More info coming soon!

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Praise Team, Chancel Choir, Handbells, Children's Choir! There are so many ways for you to make a joyful noise here at Holy Trinity!

How may we pray for you?
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805 South York Street

Gastonia, NC  28052


M-F 9am-4pm

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"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

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