Local Ministry
Gospel Ministries
Trinity Lutheran Church in Fletcher, NC
Reformation Lutheran Church in New Bern, NC
Social Ministries
The Arc of Gaston County is committed to securing various life skill opportunities for all people with Mental Challenges and related Development Disabilities in order for them to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work, and play throughout Gaston County. The Arc is further committed to reducing the incidence and limiting the consequences of Mental Challenges through the support of friends, families, and the community. Through the successful pursuit of quality and justice, the Arc will provide leadership in the field of mental retardation and develop necessary human financial resources to attain its goals. We are here to make a difference!
Sponsor: David Fogle
Meals are provided for school students who would otherwise not have sufficient food on the weekend. HTLC is ground-zero for this community ministry. Food is delivered to HTLC, bags are packed, other participating churches pick up the bags for the children their church is sponsoring, and we deliver our bags to the school we are sponsoring. We also have separate financial records for this ministry.
HTLC teams up with the Red Cross to have a blood drive at the church in the PLC a few times per year.
Offers summer day and residential sessions for children and adults with mental retardation or other related developmental disabilities.
Local facility that helps men deal with substance abuse.
CAM provides emergency assistance to families and individuals who are experiencing a financial crisis or who are suffering under the continued burden of poverty. HTLC provides food for the pantry and financial contributions. Several local churches of varying faiths also support CAM.
Faith- based pro-life organization providing services to women, men and families in crisis pregnancy situations.
Provides overnight shelter on a rotating weekly basis at our church and others for homeless families.
Families receive other services at a day center.
Mission is to bring the people and resources of Gaston County Together to address our county’s most pressing needs.
The Giving Tree
An in-house HTLC ministry where we provide items for needy families for Christmas. Various agencies refer names to the church office. Those names are then hung on a Christmas tree in the connector. Members of Holy Trinity are free to take a name, fulfill the need, wrap the present and return it under the tree to be distributed back to the family just in time for Christmas.
National organization that builds homes for needy families. Member of Holy Trinity have provided funds and labor to several builds in and around the community.
Group home sponsored by Loray Baptist Church for teen girls who have been removed from their homes.
Operation Christmas Child is a project of the international relief organization, Samaritan’s Purse. Their mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. HTLC collects shoeboxes from our members and OCC ships the gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine and disease; and to children living on Native American reservations in the U.S.
Formerly "As One Ministries", Phoenix Community Outreach is committed to providing daytime shelter and other basic services to Gaston County’s chronically homeless adults, youth, and families. Through community collaboration, we will provide these services in an atmosphere of dignity, hope, and unconditional acceptance. Night time shelter is sometimes provided.
A faith-based Christian school of discipleship for women who are struggling with life controlling issues. A partnership of faith, counseling and understanding helps heal broken women at The Gastonia’s Potter’s House. The eighteen month stay helps women grow emotionally, physically and spiritually in order to become productive and contributing members of society. It is by God’s grace that we have been able to help women for over 16 years.
A county agency that provides shelter for women and their children who are experiencing abusive situations.
National organization that seeks out high-school students who don’t know the Lord. Also, develops leaders in the high schools. Provides weekly activities for students.