Advent and Christmas at Holy Trinity
O God, you have made this most holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Grant that as we have known on earth the mysteries of that Light, we may also come to the fullness of his joys in heaven; through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
– The Collect for Christmas Eve
Join us we gather to worship our Incarnate Lord, Jesus Christ, on Christmas! We will have several opportunities for worship in the Advent and Christmas seasons:
Christmas Worship:
Christmas Eve:
6:30pm: Lessons and Carols. A series of Scripture lessons that take us through God's plan to save us and reconcile us back to Himself, with Christmas carols and other music between readings. The service concludes outdoors, as we gather around the Nativity scene to sing "Silent Night" by candlelight. Pastor Henkel preaching.
10:30pm: Festival Divine Service. We will join our praises with those of the whole Church to sing beloved Christmas hymns as we hear, once again, the story of God's mighty acts that night long ago. We will receive the very presence of Immanuel—God with us—in Holy Communion. The service will end with the singing of "Silent Night" by candlelight. Pastor Henkel preaching.
Christmas Day:
10:00am: Morning Prayer. This is a family-oriented service complete with cinnamon rolls, coffee, and hot chocolate. Kids are welcome to bring their toys and come in pajamas as we gather in our Father’s house to celebrate Christmas Day as a family in Christ. Seminarian Carpenter preaching.
The First and Second Sundays after Christmas:
8:30am: Contemporary worship.
9:45am: Sunday school for all ages.
11:00am: Traditional worship.
The Epiphany of Our Lord: January 6th:
6:30pm: Divine Service for the Feast of the Epiphany.
7:40pm: Fellowship.